Friday, 3 October 2014

The Human Body!

The Digestive System

Over the next few weeks we will be writing non-chronological reports about the digestive system, which is our science topic.
For your homework, please research the organs of the digestive system and the journey food takes through our bodies.
Write some of your research onto the blog so that we have a shared resource when we come to write our reports!
Check your sentences and spellings very carefully. 
Remember: 'think, say, write, check'!
You need to post on the blog or give me your homework on paper by Friday 10th October!
Mrs Messa


  1. How the digestive system works?

    First you take the food in your mouth where it gets mixed with saliva. Then you chew the food with your teeth. Then when you swallow, the food is pushed down to the pharynx that pushes it further into the oesophagus. It then gets into the oesophageal sphincter before it enters the stomach. After that it gets into the stomach and with the help of the acid (bile) and the stomach muscle it crumbles up into pieces. Then the digested food comes out of the pyloric sphincter and gets to the liver which takes out the nutrition and puts it into your blood. The rest of the food then enters the duodenum and passes into the small intestine. Then it gets tested in the small intestine and comes out off the ilea-colon valve to the large intestine. In the large intestine it absorbs water, manufactures vitamins, and produces mucous and form and expels faeces. Then gets pushed into the rectum and comes out of your anus. That is how the digestive system works.

    By Aaratrika

  2. Digistive system
    1)Teeth(Food is crusht into smaller pices.)
    2)Oesophagus(Transport food from the food to the stomach.)
    3)Stomach(It macks a milky mixture called chme by breaking food into smaller pices and mixing it with stomach juices.)
    4)Liver(The Liverproduces bile,with nexltralises stomach acid in the intestine.)
    5)Gallbladder(stores the bile that made in the Liver.)
    6)The Pancreads(It the enzymes amylase, protease and lipase wich are released into the small intestins.)
    7)The small intestines (Most of the food is digested by the small intestins using enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder.)
    8)The large intestines (The large intestine removes excess water and salts from the indigestible waste material and make faeces,or poo.)
    9) The Rectum(The rectum is part of the large intestine wich stores the faeces before they leave the body.)
    10)Anus(Holds the poo in the rectum until you reach the toilet.)

  3. The digestive system
    The digestive system is a process in your body that take responsibility of your food...
    It makes sure your body gets all the goodness of the food, and that the bad bits are removed. The bad bits that are removed from the body form into lumps called faeces (poo), and when you go to the loo, faeces come out from the anus (a hole in your bottom that can close and open). Also, when you drink water, the kidneys separate the good stuff from the bad stuff and the bad stuff, called urine (wee), is taken down a tube and stored somewhere called the bladder where it comes out through the urethra.
    The food takes a long journey to reach the bottom...
    In order to reach the end, your food has to take a long journey through the different parts of the digestive system. Let’s go on an orbit of your body! First, your food is crunched up into tiny bits into tiny bits in your mouth. When you swallow it, your food goes through your wind tube which is known as the oesophagus. Three, it passes by the liver which is half delivery man, half police man;
    Delivery man: The liver delivers the chemicals that the other parts of the body need
    Police man: The liver gets rid of any chemicals that might harm your body
    Next up, the stomach. The stomach is the part of the body which fights infections. Ever had a virus? Well, your stomach is the one who is going to save your day! Then we head on to the intestines. There are two types of intestines which are named ‘the small intestine’ and ‘the large intestines’. First we squeeeeze through the small intestines which take the last bits of goodness out of the food until the food becomes a faece. The faece then goes through large intestines and comes out of anus.

  4. The Digestive System

    The digestive system consists of a long tube called the alimentary canal which runs from the mouth to the anus. The mouth,oesophagus, stomach and intestines are part of the digestive system.
    Digestion begins from the mouth as we crush our food with our teeth,the watery saliva in our mouth moistens the food and helps us to chew and swallow.
    The muscular walls of the stomach churns food into a soup-like liquid that is released in spurts ( spurts means Jet of Liquid) into the small intestine.This is where most of the digestion takes place and where simple nutrients are absorbed through the lining of the small intestine into the bloodstream.

    by Jasleen Saund
