This term we have been learning about the Ancient
Egyptians with a particular focus on transport and communication. Your homework is to write a non-chronological
report about the Ancient Egyptians. You
can include any information you have learnt about the Ancient Egyptians. Think about how you will organise the
information. You may include the
following paragraphs:
The Rosetta Stone
Egyptian Ships
The Nile
Try and include the features of a non-chronological report that you have learnt about!
Remember, 'think, say, write, check'!
Mrs Messa
The Ancient Egyptians (by Anya)
ReplyDeleteEgypt used to be a very strange place which was was ruled by many pharaohs. The last of these royal people was Cleopatra. In fact, Egypt had all types of pharaohs, such as Tutankhamen, who became a pharaoh when he was nine years old and died when he
was nineteen.
In the past, Egypt used pictures as words. If you don't know what hieroglyphs look like, look at the walls in one of the Egyptian mummified pharaoh's tomb. Hieroglyphics were normally used in tombs to tell how the person died and what happened in he or she's life. Hieroglyphs are very easy to draw because if you wanted to write the word 'hen' you would only have to draw a twisted lace, a feather, and a zigzag. These 'pictures' were discovered by a man called Jean Champollion. In Egypt paper was made of papyrus reed.
The land of the dead
Those who had been mummified, put in their case and had been buried are not resting in peace. Inside they are fighting through a dangerous land called the Duat to get to the hall of two truths known as the place of judgement.If the dead person passes the Duat, their heart will be weighed on a scale with the Feather of Truth. If he or she failed this test their heart will be eaten by a monster called Ammit.
Pharaohs were the most important feature in Egyptian history. People believed that their pharaoh was the child of the gods, so if good things happened, like the Nile flooding and animals having babies, the citizens would praise their pharaohs. The pharaohs, an Egyptian name for a king, wore different crowns and held different sceptres. In the old days, Egypt had been split into two different sections; upper Egypt and lower Egypt. The crown worn in upper Egypt was the white crown, while in lower Egypt the pharaoh wore the red crown. When Egypt was united again, the pharaoh wore a double crown. Sometimes the Egyptian king would wear atef crown and the blue crown.
ReplyDeleteHieroglyphs are ancient symbols that Egyptians used and are still written in pyramids.
Each symbol is different and mean different things.
What the symbols mean
In our days symbols are only used in pyramids.
Mane they tell an ancient story we can't be sure.
Old times
In the old days hieroglyphics were used in letters and lots of other things aswell.
The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs to write and read. For each letter in the alphabet there was a symbol. The river Nile is the longest river in the world. There are many rivers in Egypt including the Pilaponesian, the Tanitic, the Mendesian and the Canopic. The ancient Egyptian ships can be big and small. The Egyptians believed that the ships in their tombs would carry them in the afterlife. The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V.
ReplyDeleteby Omar
Ancient Egyptians
ReplyDeleteEgypt is placed on the top of Africa where the Niles ends its flow.
The Egyptians were people that were not so rich they had money but they used natural reassesses like the fresh water from the river Nile and they used it to grow their crops and raise their animals.
The Nile is 6,853km (4,258mills) and it is about 1545km from Sudan. The Egyptians counted on the river Nile for food, water and transportation. That is exactly why the Egyptians made their markets and homes very close to the river bank.
The Egyptians do a lot of hard work to build their boats, ships and pyramids. Talking about the pyramids there was a famous stone that the Egyptians made. Introducing the Rosetta stone, which was written in two scripts, by Egyptian and Greek. However the languages were written in hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek. They used all three of those because they used those scripts in Egypt at that time.
The Rosetta stone
The Rosetta stone was written to honour the Egyptian god called Pharaoh. It listed all the good things he had done to Egypt.
Hieroglyphics was also used in the Rosetta stone. It is a religious document writing script for those who live in Egypt.
Egyptian ships
There are very big ships they made like Khufu ship in the great pyramid of Giza. People think they made it for their god to build and sail of two wherever he wanted to. But now it is in a museum close to where it was found.
By Senuda
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was a civilisation of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
Most Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs (rulers of Ancient Egypt) and their families. To date, over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. This incredible structure weighs as much as 16 Empire State buildings!
Hieroglyphics are what Ancient Egyptians used to communicate. Did you know there are over 700 hieroglyphics? The Ancient Egyptians used no punctuation (like full stops, commas or question marks) and they didn’t put any spaces between their words
There were no vowels in Egyptian Hieroglyphs only consonants, so ‘Egyptians are Cool’ without vowels would be ‘Gyptns r Cl’!!!
The River Nile
The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world. It is 6,853 km long.It is located in Africa, the Nile River lies in the following countries: Kenya, Eritrea, Congo, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia.The Nile River has huge significance in regards to Ancient Egypt. Most of Ancient Egypt’s historical sites are located along the banks of the Nile River including cities such as Luxor and Cairo. In 1787, the famous Rosetta stone was found in the Nile Delta in the city of Rosetta. This Ancient Egyptian artefact played a key role in modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The decree appears in three scripts: the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the middle portion Demotic script, and the lowest Ancient Greek. Because it presents essentially the same text in all three scripts (with some minor differences among them), it provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Although it is believed to have originally been displayed within a temple, possibly at nearby Sais, the stone was probably moved during the early Christian or medieval period and was eventually used as building material in the construction of Fort Julien near the town of Rashid (Rosetta) in the Nile Delta. It was rediscovered there in 1799 by a soldier, Pierre-François Bouchard, of the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt.
End Of The Empire
The Ancient Egyptian Empire began to weaken in about 700 BC. It was conquered by a number of other civilisations. The first to conquer Egypt was the Assyrian Empire, followed a hundred or so years later by the Persian Empire. In 332 BC, Alexander the Great of Greece conquered Egypt and set up his own ruling family called the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Finally, the Romans came in 30 BC and Egypt became a province of Rome.
By Shriya
This is a really good, long report! Keep it up :)
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Ancient Egypt
ReplyDeleteThe River Nile
The river Nile was like a road but with boats,there were boats for everything.The Egyptians wouldn't have survived without the rive Nile,because it was there only source of water to water there crops with.The reeds that grew by the river was used to make boats.The river Nile provided the Egyptians food,they used spears to catch fish.
The Rosetta stone
The Rosetta stone was created in 196 BC .It was wrote in greek,demotic and Hieroglyphics.The Rosetta stone was in found by french soldiers in 1799.
They built Pyramids because they believed the pharaoh would live forever. Most of the Pyramids are built on the western side of the river Nile, They built it on dry ground so the Pharaoh's belongings didn't rot.
BY Elliot
The river Nile
ReplyDeleteEach year the River Nile burst its banks and spread water and fertile silts over the land.
This"inundation" of the Nile Valley made the land fertile for about 10 km (6 miles) on either side of the river.The Egyptians planned their agricultural system around this,farming the land by storing the flood waters.The desert on either side provided a natural defensive barrier and a rich source of minerals and stone.