Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Going green (from a first news article 16-22nd May 2014)

“From next year, shoppers in England will have to pay 5p for each plastic bag that they take from a shop to carry away shopping.”

The reasons given are:

-         Many plastic bags are used once and thrown away.

-         Plastic takes a very long time to break down.

-         Little pieces of plastic can cause problems for animals.

-         Lots of plastic bags end up littering our streets.

Do you agree with this? How would you persuade someone to your point of view?

Write a paragraph that persuades someone to your point of view. Try to use powerful and emotive language. Remember to think, say, write  and check.


  1. Yes,I do agree because plastic bags take 500-1000 years to break down. I also think that children break plastic bags like me so they have to get thrown away.Additionally we should use paper bags so they can be recycled more times. we can use it like U.S.A does it.

  2. Next year, it has been decided in the government budget that shop reatailers will make all customers pay 5p per plastic bag. They are doing this, because many plastic bags aren’t being used acceptably. For example, many plastic bags are being used once and then being thrown away.

    Over four billion plastic bags have only been used once and are then instantly thrown into the bin. I strongly believe this needs to stop and I agree with the implementation of the 5p charge as this will make consumers stop and think about what they are doing when throwing their bags away.

    Furthermore, plastic bags take around 500 years to break down. Do we have enough space to cater for the plastic bag explosion? Surely you can understand why there is a need to reuse our bags. The more bags we create the more plastic waste is created therefore contaminating the planet.

    Additionally, many animals will be contaminated by choking on little pieces of plastic that consumers dispose of within our environment. This has happened to too many animals on the planet. Also their necks get tangled in plastic that we throw into our rivers thus causing death.

    Moreover, over 4 billion plastic bags have been littering the street per year! Whenever people are supposed to be picking up litter, more litter appears in its place. This is unacceptable and unhealthy for the enviroment and the people who live in it. Do you want to live in a healthy environment that is clean or do you want to live in a polluted planet? Plastic bags are poisoning the earth!

    Everyone knows the effect that plastic bags have on the planet, so by charging 5p will this stop the plastic explosion? I believe that instead of charging 5p, lets get rid of the plastic and replace it with large, strong, reusable paper bags charging 5p for these instead. Lets campaign to get rid of the plastic bag and replace it completely.

  3. Plastic bags help us carry our things. If they are no longer needed they are recycled. Everybody has to do this, because if you don't, the results will end up being extremely bad for the enviroment. It might cause suffocation to animals; pollute rivers and may cause a mess to the earth.

    But reusing is also a method that can be used, because it is a waste of time going to the shops to get some new plastic bags for the items you take from the shelves and purchase them at the cash register. Reusing plastic bags is also a very handy technique, because it is a very simpler skill to help you carry stuff.

  4. Plastic bags usually have two different sides, on one hand it is good because they help you carry stuff and the other side is bad because they can make the earth dirty and very messy so I think that government should take two actions:first it should make people pay 5p to reduce the usage of plastic bags and to make people recycle through strict rules and regulations.

  5. I don’t think charging 5p for a plastic bag will make a difference. Mark and Spenser’s charge 5 p per bag and this has not made a difference to my Dad, as he buys a bag every time he goes in there.
    Plastic bags last for hundreds of years and cause problems for the environment when they find their way into the rivers and sea where they can choke wildlife and also the manufacturing process creates many harmful. There are also a lot of plastic bags that are littered in the streets, which is not good for the environment, or our streets, as it makes them very untidy.
    My suggestion is, shops sell the ‘bag for life’ as they are stronger and are re-usable for longer. Another option is paper bags, because they are biodegradable.

  6. 5p is nothing compared to the mess that plastic bags make,the effect to the enviroment and damage to animals,sometimes even killing them.

    Supermarkets do recyclable, long lasting bags that may be more expensive but over weeks they pay for themselves and they can last for years and years and years.

    So theres no excuse to be kind to the environment, the animals and keep Britian tidy.
    by Tanraj

  7. I agree with the supermarkets because charging 5p will make people reuse the plastic bags over and over again instead of throwing it in the bin.
    When you throw away plastic bags in the bin rather than putting them in the recycling bag, the plastic bags get piled up or buried under the soil and creates an unsafe environment for the animals as well as humans.

  8. I do not agree with charging customers 5p for their plastic bags to carry their shopping home with. I do not think charging 5p will make any impact on how many plastic bags are sent to land fill each year. I think it would help if supermarkets did not even give the customer an option of buying a plastic bag in the first place; I think supermarkets should provide brown bags only and re-useable bags that can be used many times. This way, the plastic bags that end up littering our streets and rivers will be reduced. I think the government should invest in advertising to try and change peoples attitudes towards using plastic bags and educate them on the benefits of changing to a greener way of thinking.

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