Friday, 2 May 2014

Heritage Lottery Fund grant is the bees knees!

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has stepped in to help stop the serious decline in the country's bumblebee population. Today HLF announced a grant of £340,000 for an ambitious project by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, based at Stirling University, to conserve a variety of endangered bumblebee species and their habitats throughout the UK.

Bumblebees are fundamental to our ecosystem: hundreds of species of wildflower, fruits such as raspberries, strawberries and tomatoes and vegetables such as runner beans are dependent on them for pollination. The total value of pollination in the UK exceeds £400 million. However, over the last 70 years there has been a dramatic decrease in their population, with two species becoming totally extinct and six of the remaining 24 species now listed as UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP) priority species.


A male Bombus subterraneus. This species is now extinct in the UK (Fiona Barclay).


HLF's grant will enable the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to begin a three-year conservation project, helping to protect the bumblebees and their habitat for the future. Working with landowners, farmers, the public and schools across the UK, the project will raise awareness of these important pollinators and help inform people on how best to protect them. Flower-rich habitat will be provided where it is needed most to reconnect the small isolated populations while a extensive awareness-raising programme, including an interactive website, community talks, learning packs for children, and a national wildlife self-assessment garden scheme, will be rolled out across the country.

 Your task
The heritage Lottery Fund is offering money to schools to support them in their bee conservation projects. Write a letter to the Heritage lottery fund explaining what we could do in our school to help the bees and how we would use any money we were given for the project. Remember to use : paragraphs, connectives, generalisers, scientific vocabulary


  1. Dear Heritage Lottery Fund,
    We would like to put into words how our school would help the surviving bee species exist and how we would use any money we would be given in helping to achieve this goal. I our school we would dedicate our field area as a natural habitat for the bees. We would leave old trees standing and not chop them down, and would plant plenty of varied flowers and vegetables so that the bees can pollinate them. We would also take the following steps to help the bees stay alive:
    1. Make a space available for a beehive.
    2. Make a wild beehouse.
    3. Stop using insecticides, which are extremely harmful to bees
    4. Support our local beekeepers by buying pure honey from them instead of in the supermarket.
    5. Not use garden compost containing harmful chemicals.
    Any money given would be spent on achieving the above goals.

    Thank you for your time.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Tarek (Chatsworth Primary School)

  2. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Our school is very keen to help contribute in your green eco-friendly enterprise. Firstly, in our vacant wide field, we can plant/grow various bee friendly plants, thus the ecosystem can grow larger and diverse.

    Secondly, we can send a teacher on a special training programme to be an extraordinary beekeeper, so the bees can be safe and protected from the harmful mites.

    With this valuable money, our school can set up a shop to sell packets of seeds to parents and children. These seeds will be planted in their homes.

    Furthermore, educational quizzes will help spread awareness about how bees are beneficial to the environment.

    Moreover, we can organise a trip to the National History Museum (NGM) and confer certificates to those who have helped the bees; a bee eraser; a bee pencil; a bee sharpener and a trip to a farm ( if someone wrote an essay about the bees conservation).

    Yours Faithfully,

  3. Dear Heritage Lottery Fund,

    To help these wonderful bees we could plant lots of plants for the bees to collect nectar and make more habitats for the bees to live in. We could stop annoying the bees so they won't sting us and then die.

    We could make the environment clean, for example keep the air clean. Around school we could do litter piking and on our school field we could plant some flowers because they will have flowers to take nectar from.

    At school we could have more mufti days to raise money, then you won't have to give us as much money to help the bees. We could give you some money so you could also help the bees.

    We could put posters up around so people will give us some money and help these bees that are almost extinct and are dying.

    Hyde Park Class

  4. Dear Heritage lottery fund ,

    Our school would be very happy to help you with your project to save bumblebees from becoming extinct. We can offer you parts of our gardens and fields . In one of our gardens we could plant some more flowers , fruits and veg.

    We could also develop a new habitat for Bees .We can put the habitat for Bees at the back of the field so that the Bees are not disturbed and so they do not get hurt or squashed.

    Furthermore at Chatsworth Primary School we can take care of Bees so that they will not become extinct and so there can be more Bees living. At Chatsworth Primary School we could also sell some of the best honey to make Bees more popular , so people will be more careful because Bees are very important to the eco system .

    Yours Sincerely

  5. Dear Sir/Madame
    I am a student of Chatsworth Primary in Hounslow. I request some money to develop a bumblebee conservation project at my school. We can plant more flowers with wide petals to provide lots of pollen and nectar which bumblebees use for food. We will build soil banks and compost mounds where the queen bees can hibernate during winter. We will plant a variety of plants that flower at different times for a steady source of food all through spring and summer spring and summer.

    We will make a special poster to tell people nearby about the project. We can encourage them to support our project by doing some simple things.
    • Don’t use insect sprays
    • Plant suitable flowers
    • Avoid burning stuff
    • Keep compost heaps
    • Don’t use fertilizer
    I hope you support our project. It will increase the number of bees in our school area.

    Yours sincerely,

  6. Dear sir/madam

    Our school is hoping to make a lot of bee baths and plant flowers around the school. As Bees prefer blue, purple, white, violet and yellow flowers we will plant a lot of flowers in those colours.

    With the money the school can donate many bee baths and flower pots to all the children in school so that they can take them home and keep them in their gardens.We can also plant many flowers in the local parks.

    yours faithfully



  7. To whom it may concern,
    The children at Chatsworth School are very interested and keen to be part of the Bee Conservation project.
    To help with this, we would plant a wildflower meadow for bees, we would ensure to plant different varieties of wild flowers, and that they are in flower, from late winter to autumn. This is the period that bees are active.
    Bumblebees collect nectar and pollen from a restricted range of plants, and these are usually wild flowers.
    We will not use pesticides because they will harm bees and other wildlife.
    It is also important to help raise the awareness of the Bees decline; we would have a ‘Bee Awareness Project’ at our school. Children could make Posters and research in class about how the community could help stop the Bees decline.

    We could ask for the Winners poster to be put into our local newspaper ‘The Chronicle’. This would then make people in our area become more aware of the problem, and they would see what we are doing in our school to help with this project.
    It would be useful if someone from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust could do a talk to us about how we, as the community could help with saving the Bees.

    Yours Faithfully


  8. Dear Sir/Madam

    Our school would be very happy to help with the bumble bee project to save the bees from being extinct from the world. Bees like to pollinate so wee will have too plant lots of flowers on the field and gardens.

    We can also plant plants in parks and gardens in the UK.

  9. To HLF [Heritage Lottery Fund] ,
    Chatsworth School would be honored to take part in this project as it is vital to the human species that bees stay alive. Here are a few ideas :

    * Put up posters that will persuade people to get involved and donate money e.g. tell them why the bees and people need them so much.
    * Give out flyers with your phone number on it if people volunteer donate money.
    * Tell people not to threaten any bee, otherwise it will sting you, causing it to die.

  10. Dear Sir/Madam

    We have heard that you are looking for schools to help conserve the bee population and you are willing to fund this project. We think Chatsworth Primary School would be an ideal choice. After an assembly on your project the school made a unanimous decision to support this worth while scheme.

    Initially, we have a huge field, which is full of grass. Our school decided we could use this to plant flowers, which would attract bees, and help them make honey. It would be a fenced off because we would need to make sure the children don’t get stung.

    As well as that, we will make wooden beehives to help bees make their honey in there. We’ve been in contact with a beekeeper recently and we will ask him to take out the honey 3 times per week. He will wear a proper suit and mask for safety reasons. We will assure children are nowhere near the fenced area, and we will be having two teachers surrounding the gate, In case any children decide to go in.

    On top of that, we will educate the children to understand how to look after bees and to not distract any of the bees’ premises. We would be more than happy if someone from your project comes to our school to train us on this and we can then pass this knowledge along through the school.

    In addition, we will make sure parents and carers are aware of the bee conservation, by telling them in our school website and our newsletters. The parents will be able to join in this conservation, to develop their outdoor learning skills, as well as the childrens skills.

    Chatsworth are aware that you are giving this money to a wide range of schools. We are hoping to raise funding through the conservation, through sales of flower clippings and honey and reinvest this money back into your project so other schools could benefit.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Chatsworth Primary School

    1. Sofia,I could also be the bee keeper!Every week on wednesday at Lampton school,I do bee keeping!
