Friday, 14 February 2014

Food Chains and Food Webs

We have been finding out about food chains and food webs following our work on the human body. 
As a rule, humans are at the top of the food chain - unless we are very unlucky!
Watch this video about food chains in nature:
You can watch a video, do some reading and also take the quiz if you like!  If you would like to find out more, you could do some further research.  Remember, you need to be safe on the Internet!  Speak to an adult if anything worries you.
When you have watched, read, quizzed and researched, I would like you to write about food chains!  Can you tell me about producers and consumers?  Predators and prey?  Energy and how it is transferred.
Remember your writing should be as high quality as you can make it!  Think of all the vocabulary and sentences types we have worked on, and above all, think, say, write and check!
I look forward to seeing your blog entries by the 24th February (when we come back from half term!)
You can post your writing on the blog, or even create a little project to bring back to school. 
We will be studying habitats after half term, so you could even start to link that to the food chains and webs!
Happy writing!
Mrs Messa


  1. Food Chains
    Discover all about what a food chain is and the how it starts. You will find-out about a producer, consumer, prey and predator in this report. A food chain is about what animals eat in their diet, including each other!

    Photosynthesis is a process where green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to produce nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product.

    Some animals are called consumers, because they can’t make their own food, so they need to eat plants or animals. Examples are a bear and wolf.

    Food chains always start with a producer, which is a plant that makes food. This is usually a green plant, because plants can make their own food by photosynthesis. Examples of this are plankton and grass.

    A prey is an animal that is killed and eaten by another animal. Examples of this are a rabbit and goldfish.

    A predator is an animal that kills another animal. Examples of this are a tiger and a lion.

    Food Chain
    Leaf Caterpillar Bird Human
    The caterpillar munches-up the leaf. The bird eats the caterpillar. And depending what type of bird this is, it can be consumed by a human.

  2. Producers
    Producers make their own food, plants for instance. Plants are always at the start of the food chain, they get their food from the sun.

    Most Consumers are animals, they cannot make their own food. A Consumer eats another Consumer or a Producer. Animals whether Herbivore, Carnivore or Omnivore are all Consumers.
    Interestingly a Venus Fly Trap seems to be both a Producer and Consumer.

    Prey and Predator
    A Predator is an animal that preys on another.
    Here are some examples of Predator and Prey:
    Cat and mouse,
    Bear and fish,
    Cheetah and antelope and
    Killer whale and Seal.

    Energy and how it's transferred
    Energy is produced from many different sources and can be transferred by an animal eating another animal or plant. The sun is the main source energy for plants. The four things plants need to grow are: sunlight, water, air and nutrients. The energy from the sunlight is used to transform water and carbon- dioxide from the air into sugar. The plant gains it's energy from the sugar produced. This process is called photosynthesis. It's the sunlight shining on the leaves of the plant that creates this process.

  3. Food chains
    A food chain is the feeding process between different living things on the environment and habitat.

    The photosynthesis is a process for plants to eat.

    Plants get their boost from the sun.Plants are producers as they produce and make their own food.

    All animals can be consumers as they eat animals and plants.

    Predators and Prey
    A predator is an animal that eats other animals like a fox ate a rabbit.The fox will be the predator and the rabbit will be the prey.

  4. In the deadliest sixty clip it said [the sea one] the herring fish eats plankton.Next in the food chain it said that the pacifc cod is eaten by the steller sea lion.After that it said that the steller sea lion are eaten by orcas.

    In the deadliest sixty [the land one] it said grasshoppers eat grass.After that it said that adders eat toads .Then it said that adders are eaten by comman buzzers.

  5. Food chains:
    Food chains help us know what eats what,food chains involve the sun,a plant,predators and preys.
    Flower-bug-mouse and snake

    A predator is a very violent animal which kills other animals like a snake eating or killing a mouse for food,it goes on and on until you find what is the most dangerous predator.-(which would probably be a human).

    A prey is an animal which gets eaten by another animal so a insect gets eaten by a mouse.

    A producer is like a predator because it hunts and makes its own food so it really produces dinner for itself by killing another animal.

    Photosynthesis is an explanation of how our food has energy inside it.
    For example:
    the sun shines on a plant,the plant gets eaten by a bug,the bug gets eaten by an animal so it goes on until humans eat the animal which makes us the deadliest animal on the planet,so that is how we get energy in our food.

    A food chain or web is a linear sequence of links called producers in the web.A the end theirs a specie that is called the decomposers species in the web.The food chain's lenght is continious variable that providers a measure of the passage of energy and an index of ecological structure that increases in a value countng.A food chain consisting of a flower,a frog,a snake,and an owl ;they are four levels and the sun gives energy to the plants.Food chains were introduced by the African-Arab scientist and philosopher Al-Jahiz in the 9th century.
    Producers,such as plants,are organisms that utilize solar energy.All food chains must start with a producer.
    Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms;in most food chains,all the organisms in a food chain are consumers.In the deep sea,clams,mussels are all eaten by crabs wich in turn they will be consumed by an octopus and this one maybe by a human.
    Predetors are animals that eat another animal or insect.A predator is an organism that eats another organism.
    The prey is the organism wich the predator eats.
    Example:lions and zebra,bear and fish,fox and rabbit,cat and fish.
    Demonstrates from the sun goes on to a plant ,an animal eats the plant then another animal eats the animal.
    Our food energy comes from the sun when plants convert sunlight into carbohydrate by photosynthesis.

  7. Food Chains

    All living things need food to give them energy. Energy passes from plants to animals then onto other animals. This is called a food chain.
    The sun is the most important source in all food chains. Plants need sunlight to grow and produce their own food, through the process of photosynthesis. In most food chains plants are called producers because they produce their own food. Plants use some of the food and store the rest in there leaves, stem, roots, fruits and seeds.
    Some animals such as crickets, squirrels and giraffe eat the plants. These animals are called consumers. Then, predators such as frogs, snakes and lions eat the consumers. After, the snake is eaten by hawk. The hawk is then called a secondary predator.
    A food web is made up of many different food chains linked together.
    When plants and animals die, decomposers such as fungi and bacteria break down their body parts and waste. The nutrients go back into the soil and the cycle goes on.

    Foodchains shows what animal eats another by starting from the energy transfer (sun) then the producer.

    Consumers are animals which eat other plants and animals, for example foxes are types of consumers, because they eat plants and animals.

    Preys are food for predators. For example, an adder is a prey for the common buzzard, because it is a tasty snack for the predator to eat.

    Energy transfer
    Basically the sun is originally the energy transfer. Likewise, there is a special type of process which gives energy to the plants. The name of the process is called: 'photosynthesis'.

    Predators are animals which consume and kill other animals like ferocious wild lions/tigers pouncing for its prey (food).

    The producer is mainly the start of the food chain (forget the energy transfer: sun). Originally the producer must have been the plants, because they make their own food by the reasonable process, 'photosynthesis'. Furthermore, here are some examples of some producers: plankton and grass.

  9. food chains are about what eats what.
    in the sea an orca whale eats a sea-lions. sea-lions eat pacific cod which eat herring.
    finally herring eat plankton.

    on land a common buzzard eats an adder, an adder can swallow a toad whole. A toad eats a grasshopper and grasshoppers eat grass.

    If you are on the top of the food chain it means nothing preys on you (e.g.the orca and the common buzzard, who are both awesome predators).All the other animals are lower in the food chain and prey on the animals or plants beneath them.

    Plants are called producers because they produce there own food. They do this by the use of photosynthesis, by transferring carbon dioxide from the air, light energy from the sun and water from the soil. From this they make food in the form of sugar.

    Consumers are animals as they cannot make their own food but consume other plants and animals. There are three groups of consumers:
    1. Herbivores: Animals that eat only plants
    2. Carnivores: Animals that eat only animals
    3. Omnivores: Animals that eat both animals and plants (e.g. humans)
    By Tanraj

  10. Harshil Waterloo1 March 2014 at 13:34


    A food chain shows how each living thing gets its food. It shows who is eating who.
    These food chains can have many links.
    If a link in the food chain is broken then the animals further up the food chain will not survive.


    At the beginning of all food chains is the sun. Plants use the suns energy to turn water and carbon dioxide into its food. This process is called photosynthesis. Because plants make a lot of energy they are called producers. Their ability to use sunlight to make food makes them a very important source of energy for other living things.


    Animals that only eat plants are called herbivores and all primary consumers are herbivores. A primary consumer eats the plant and the secondary consumer eats the primary consumer.

    Rabbits, cows, horses, giraffes and elephants are all examples of primary consumers.

    Spiders, bears, wolves, hawks and cheetahs are all examples of secondary consumers.


    Predators are animals who kill for food. They are either secondary or tertiary consumers, for example polar bears and golden eagles.


    Preys are the organisms that the predator feeds on. Examples of predator and prey species are: fox and rabbit; blue tit and caterpillar; wolf and lamb, lions and wilder beast, tigers and gazelles.


    Scavengers (vulture and hyena etc) eat dead animals and the decomposers (insects) eat the remains. The scavengers and decomposers help move energy through the food chain.


    The sun is the main source of energy. Without the sun plants would not grow and without plants there would be no animals.

    Animals cannot make their own food. Animals get their energy and weight by eating other organisms.

  11. Consumers:
    Consumers are animals that eat other animals or plants.A consumer is always top of the food chain.

    A producer is a plant that creates their own food from sunlight,this prossecion is called photosynthesis.

    Preditors can be herbivors or/and meat eaters.All that matters is that they are the ones who are eating something not the ones being eaten.

    A prey is something that gets eaten,for example small animals and plants.
