Friday, 14 February 2014

Food Chains and Food Webs

We have been finding out about food chains and food webs following our work on the human body. 
As a rule, humans are at the top of the food chain - unless we are very unlucky!
Watch this video about food chains in nature:
You can watch a video, do some reading and also take the quiz if you like!  If you would like to find out more, you could do some further research.  Remember, you need to be safe on the Internet!  Speak to an adult if anything worries you.
When you have watched, read, quizzed and researched, I would like you to write about food chains!  Can you tell me about producers and consumers?  Predators and prey?  Energy and how it is transferred.
Remember your writing should be as high quality as you can make it!  Think of all the vocabulary and sentences types we have worked on, and above all, think, say, write and check!
I look forward to seeing your blog entries by the 24th February (when we come back from half term!)
You can post your writing on the blog, or even create a little project to bring back to school. 
We will be studying habitats after half term, so you could even start to link that to the food chains and webs!
Happy writing!
Mrs Messa

Thursday, 6 February 2014


A belated visit from the blog fairies this week! 

We have been reading ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner and thoroughly enjoying the mischievous, froggy adventure!
This scene did not appear in the animated version we have watched, but it is one of the funniest images!  The frog in the middle is braking as hard as he can!
Can you write about the three images, telling the story?  As it is in three sections you might be able to write three short paragraphs…!
See if you can include some powerful verbs (e.g. whooshed, accelerated, zoomed, whizzed), some prepositions (over, under, round, through) and even some figurative language too!  Remember; a simile says something is like something else and a metaphor says it is something else.
Happy writing!