Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Meet the Beavers

Below, you will find a link to a video clip of the Pevensie children meeting Mr Beaver when they first enter Narnia.
If you follow the next link, you will find a link to an online copy of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  Go to page 36 – the beginning of Chapter 7.  Read to the end of page 39.
What similarities (things that are the same) and differences (things that are different) are there between the video and the written story?
I would like you to write your response in full sentences, and to include examples from both the book and the film-clip.
I look forward to reading your responses by Wednesday 29th January 2014.


  1. Vansh said,

    I am listing few similarities and differences here in bullet points that I think there are in between the clip of Meet the Beavers and the chapter 7 of the online copy.

    1. In the clip and the online copy both the beaver gave Lucy, Mr. Tumnus's white handkerchief.
    2. Again in both the book and the clip, the children were not very sure, whether to trust the beaver or not.

    1. In the clip it was showing that the beaver came out from the hill to talk to the children, where in the online copy of book was mentioning about the beaver was trying to hide behind the tree and nodding his head to talk to the children.

    2. Susan was saying to the others about whether to expect a beaver to talk in the clip shown, where in the online copy there was no mention about beavers speaking at all.

  2. Here are my details to prove there are a variety of differences and similarities, such as:

    . The PDF has more information than the video clip.

    . The video clip says that the beaver came from the hills/the PDF tells us that the beaver came from behind the trees.


    . In the video clip, the beaver gives Lucy the handkerchief which she gave to Mr Tumnus and the PDF reads out the exact same article.

    . Once again, the PDF and the video clip both says if they could trust the beaver or not.

  3. Differences
    In the book it has more detail, like when in the book says Mr Beaver asks if the children were sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve it doesn't show that in the video.

    In the video and in the book Mr Beaver gave Lucy her handkerchief.

  4. Similarities between the video clip and the text are:
    1. In both the text and movie clip ,the children were reluctant to trust the beaver. 2.In both the text and the movie clip, Lucy was given the white hankerchief she had given to Mr. Tumnus.
    Differences between the video and the written story:
    1.The beaver did not ask in the movie clip " Are you the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve?" He asked " Are you Lucy Pevensie?".
    2. There was no mention of the robin in the movie clip,as there was in the text.
    3.There was no mention of aslan in the movie clip, and there was in the text .
    4.In the text the beaver states that the trees are always listening, however in the movie clip, Lucy points this fact out.
    5.In the movie clip the beaver came right up to the children, he didn't hide behind the tree as the text says.

  5. The lion the witch and the wardrobe.


    1) In the book there is direct address where the writer is talking to you:

    ‘None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do’.
    Whereas in the film you have to imagine what the writer is trying to say to you.

    2) The book mentions Aslan, whereas the scene doesn’t:

    "They say Aslan is on the move - perhaps has already landed."

    3) In the book there is a robin at the start of the chapter:

    ‘ "The robin!" cried Lucy, "the robin. It's flown away." And so it had - right out of sight.’

    However, in the movie scene there is no Robin.

    4) This quote stated in the book when they see Mr.Beaver:

    ‘They all saw it this time, a whiskered furry face which had looked out at them from behind a tree. But this time it didn't immediately draw back. Instead, the animal put its paw against its mouth just as humans put their finger on their lips when they are signalling to you to be quiet.’

    Whereas in the movie, this scene did not happen.


    1)The book has some of the same information as the movie.
    In the book it states on page 39:

    ‘With these words it held up to them a little white object. They all looked at it in surprise, till suddenly Lucy said, "Oh, of course. It's my handkerchief - the one I gave to poor Mr Tumnus."

    In the movie this quote is said word for word and the actions are exactly the same as the book.

    2)The book and the movie mention the trees:

    "There are the trees," said the Beaver. "They're always listening. Most of them are on our side, but there are trees that would betray us to her; you know who I mean."

  6. Similarities between the book and the you tube clip were:

    - In both the sources the 4 children met the beaver.

    -Lucy was given back her white hanker chief in both the book and movie clip.

    -Both times there were the same characters and the scene was in the same location.

    -They tried to find out if the beaver was friendly before following him in both.


    -In the book the beaver was trying not to be seen, by hiding behind trees, but in the film he appeared straight away.

    - In the book the beaver did not talk as much as the film, because he was afraid the trees were listening and might betray them.

    -Susan's attitude changed in each source. In the film she wanted to go back because she was unsure about the talking beaver. In the book she wanted to risk going with him because she was hungry.

    -Aslan was mentioned in the book and there was a description of how this made the children feel.

  7. The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe Narnia


    1.The book has more detail of the setting
    2.The book has more detail of the characters
    3.The film dosn't say the same words as there are in the book
    4.In the book the beavers were clothes


    1.The book and the film say the same story
    2.There are the same characters
    3.There are the same place (world)
    4.They quite use the same words

  8. Different
    1.The book was different to the video because in the video Lucy does not know that Mr Tumnus had been captured by the white witch's guards. And in the book it says that the children found Mr Tumnus' cave and saw that it had been ruined.And
    even his pictur of his mum had been ruined.

  9. One of the differences is that, in the PFD Peter doesn't call the beaver, they found it. Another difference is, the descriptions in PFD have more detail. In the movie the characters are introduced earlier than in the book. The beaver also seem to know who Lucy was and did not ask who they were. In the clip the children were surprised that the beaver could talk.

  10. Narnia Meet the Beavers Similarities and Differences


    1. In the book there is a lot more mystery around the beaver appearing. In the clip he basically turns up.

    2. In the book there is a mention of a robin, in the clip there is none.

    3. In the clip Susan is less up for following the beaver than in the book where she is more keen.

    4. In the book beaver mentions Aslan,in the clip there is no mention of Aslan.


    1. In both the book and clip beaver puts his finger to his mouth to tell them to be hush.

    2. In both the book and clip, beaver asks them to go further into the forest.

    3. Both in the clip and the book Edmund is mistrusting.

    4. The trees are mentioned in both the clip and the book to be careful about.

    5. Lucy's handkerchief is mentioned in both the clip and the book.

    By Tanraj

  11. Similarities:

    The children follow the beaver because he wanted them to be safe then Susan said" It wants us to follow it, and it's warning us not to make a noise."

    The beaver had Mr Tumnus hanky which was given to him just before Mr Tumnus was taken. Then the beaver held-up Lucy's hanky.


    The beaver seems to be more confident in the video than the book. The beaver said" we're not safe here." in the book and say's" come on" in the video.

    1. Some similarities:
      -same characters
      -same story
      -same props
      -same settings
      -same title

      -different words
      -different effect
      -different pictures
      -different punctuation
      -different confidence

  12. When they found the beaver they were amazed when the beaver could speak . The beaver said lets go and the beaver went.Susan and Edmund did not trust the beaver.Peter said to Susan and Edmund that he know's the faun.The beaver said not to talk here so Mr beaver took them to a place they wont find.

  13. Differences

    1.The book has more detail and description.
    2.The book has more description of the characters, so readers can picture it.
    3. There are not the same words in the book compared to the movie.


    1.The book and the film are the same story, really.
    2. Same characters in both movie and book.
    3.There are the same spot/land/place, which is in Narnia.
    4.They almost use the same words, just not ALL the same words.

  14. The similarities between the book and the film are that the Beaver is telling the children to come to his house, and in both the book and the film clip he says that the children are not safe. Also for the similarities the Beaver carried the tissue in both.

    A difference is that the Beaver is more confident in the film than the book like Leilani said, because in the film he goes straight up to the children and in the book he hides in shrubs and bushes.

  15. Between the clip and the online copy of the lion the witch ,the wadrope .

    The Differences:

    1. It was showing the beaver coming from a hill and the beaver was smeling the floor.

    The similarites .

    1.They taIked about the same thing and also they taik about the hankerchief.
