Wednesday, 23 October 2013

A Victorian School Day

On Monday, you met Mr Wilberforce and experienced a day in a Victorian school room.

What do you think it would have been like to go to school in Victorian times?  Think about what children learned, what the punishments were like and how it might have felt.

You can look at this website if you want to find out more.

Imagine that you are a Victorian school child and write a recount of a day at school.  You could plan it using a skeleton (see last week’s blog post for help!).

Remember to ‘think’ and ‘say’ before you write!

I look forward to seeing your blog post before Wednesday 30th October!
Mrs Messa

(PS - Pictures to be uploaded shortly - I know it looks very boring at the moment!)


  1. There will be lots of abicas

  2. I think if i went to a victorian school i would not like it and i would felt hurt.Children at schools learn mathmaticts and boys would learn technoligy for working in factorys and only to get a couple of pennies a day.If i had been punished for talking in class i would not be so happy and i would never do it ever again

    1. Morgan you got the tense wrong. It should be: and I would feel hurt.

  3. I think teachers would be punishing us a lot like MR Wilberforce said all those punishments that he told us about. I would imagine that If I talked I would be punished with the cane and some few more.

  4. If I had gone to Victorian school I would not have really liked it because they would have caned, the back board or the finger trap and all other punishments.

  5. You have all made some good comments! I think it would have been very different - I'm glad I am teacher in the 21st century!

    Make sure you read the instructions at the top very carefully, as well as making comments!

  6. Dear Diary xoxoxo

    At school today I got caned for talking to my friend about Maths. We had to practice our Victorian Handwriting, because Sir wanted our handwriting to be perfect. A boy in my class got the Finger Traps for two reasons: He was cracking his fingers and he was using his fingers to count. I thought to my self in the middle of the day and this is what I thought: "I remember when I got the log! It was so painful, and the cane is okay, but Sir smacked me with it several times." When we were writing on slate, we had no rubbers so we had to spit on the slate and rub with our fingers (We still had to make sure the spit didn't go everywhere. And a girl in my class caught the whooping cough, so she had to put a spider in butter and then swallow it! I am getting better at sewing, though I am not so good at cooking. A new boy was in class today, the worst thing was he was... LEFT HANDED! The teacher punished him and after that he was scared for life

    From Mildred Theodosia:D

  7. I think the life of a Victorian child would be difficult.Two of the punishments were the cane and a dunce 's cap. Another very boring punishment was writing out the same
    sentence.School days are happy days of my life.A hundred times or more much better.
    The girls were treated different than the boys,preparing them for the hard life when they grow up,for example cleaning,cooking,ironig,looking after the house...
    The boys were prepared to work in factories and cleaning chimneys .
    Only rich children could go to school.
    Everyday when children went to school they have to pay pennies.

    1. Yasmina, The sentences they wrote were usually 'School days are the happiest days of my life' So you were right, You would wright it 100times a day, because the teacher thought 100 times wasn't enough

  8. In a Victorian school, I would have some extremely nasty punishments! If I would talk in class, the teacher would cane me! If I would talk in class I would get caned thirty times by a long painful stick! It was like some policemen forcing someone that they did commit a crime!
    Furthermore, there are other punishments in school that the children got, such as wearing a dunce hat putting finger socks through the hands and trapping them in a cage.
    Boys and girls would be separated into different groups after working together. Girls would learn to cook and sew. Boys would learn to do maths and technolodgy.

    1. Ashwyn , I don't think the police would be so mean to punish criminals with the cane . Quynh - Chau

  9. Victorian School Days
    In the Victorian times the school rules were very strict. The children were very scared about the school rules. The punishments are like getting caned, finger stocks or standing in the corner wearing a dunce’s cap.

    The Boys and Girls together learned reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling and drills. The Girls were insisted to learn cooking, sewing and household work, and the Boys were learning about technical drawing, army and wood work etc.

    Imagination of being Victorian child

    I would have felt dejected and hurt by the punishments that Victorian children have suffered from. I might have had problems every morning going to school, as thinking about I might get punished and cannot concentrate on my studies.

  10. I think being a Victorian child is harsh and cruel , though I guess it is just fate...I also think it is kind of sad that they realized children were important after they realized pets were important . Poor children were treated much more harshly than the rich because they had to go to factories , get jobs or just live in the streets . One of the worst jobs were Chimney Sweeping , chimney sweeping is where a child gets hired or stolen from the Poor families to climb up tall chimneys and sweep the soot , sometimes they died because of the soot getting in lungs [sweepers lung] blocking it. There were so many poor families it was easy to get them a job.

    Wealthy children that could afford to school were lucky but the punishments there were NOT nice , ones such as the back board , [ if you were slouching you would get the back board for the day ] finger stops [ if you were fiddling with your fingers you would have been given the finger stops] etc...

  11. If I were a Victorian child it would be unpleasant to go to school because they had rude chimney sweepers, strict teachers.
    In school children sat in rows,Boys and girls sat separately which I don't like.Children had to stand up before they speak , Children wrote on slates with chalk and it is not nice.

    1. I think its interesting boys sat separately but I think I know why , I think its because in that time women did not have the same right as men did so men sat at the front which is really unfair to hear for me .

  12. Dear diary
    I had the strangest day of my life. It was my first day of year 4 and I was scared. As I walked up to school the head monitor pointed me to the boys’ entrance. My sister went to the girls’ gate. All eighty-three boys in my class lined up outside the classroom. The boy in front of me had a pigs’ bladder for football at playtime. It didn’t smell very nice!

    Our new teacher checked our uniform and two boys got cane for being late. Sir was very strict and always wanted silence!
    First we did arithmetic next we did reading from the bible. During our 2 hour lunch we played football in with the pig bladder. After lunch we did writing. We copied from the board for 2 hours into our copy books. Six more boys got the cane for untidy work.

  13. Today it was a extremly weird day at school.I woke up in the morning and I was living in the 21st century as usual.I went to school and I got hit by a wooden stick apparently called the cane from any teacher I did not bow or kirtsy to.When I went inside the building I wasn't allowed to go in the classroom I first had to line-up and the teacher inspected my hands!After I had 10 cane's for dirty hands I went inside the class the table's were in a completely different order.everyone had modern clothes like me but acted like the devil had sucked out their soul!After I got used to all the change we did arthemetics.It was way to easy it was1+1!After the class did copperplate handwriting it was hard and boring like torchur!I received stocks for missplacing the letter A.Like how unfair is that?Finaly we went home because we did 3hrs of maths and handwriting.

  14. Dear Diary,

    Today at school I learnt how to make and sew dresses and shoes. I also got an A+ in all of my subjects. Miss Trunchball was very pleased with my designs for the dresses, and just as she was handing me a star the bell rang for P.E. Uh. In P.E we had to do drills, and it felt like my legs were going to drop off. I couldn’t complain though because I would have got the cane. After P.E it was brake and Miss Trunchball gave Bruce the cane, made him wear the dunce hat, the back board and the finger locks all at once, because he called her Sir by accident. Mado and Bon finally came to school but because they were late Miss Trunchball sent them to the Head Teachers office and all I could hear was screaming. Poor boys must have had the cane 10 times or more. The rest of the day was ok though, From Alysia

  15. Part 1

    Dear Diary,
    On Monday morning it was Victorian day, where the whole school dressed up as a Victorian school. I was wearing a black dress with a snowy white top and black boots.. Also the teachers dressed up as Victorian teachers while acting a little strict.
    First of all we lined up in two lines: boys and girls. The boys went first as Mrs Messa announced, “Boys should be at school and girls should be working for their families, so they can go first!”
    Eventually, when we were all seated, Mrs Messa started the lesson which was Maths. We did some addition to begin with, then I started on subtraction, moving onto multiplication and division. I was in the midde of setting up the columns, when Mrs Messa asked us to copy out some money calculations from the victorian era. Next she asked us to copy out weights. We did so many different areas of Maths today, not like our normal school day!
    We all lined up for another assembly with Mr Wright. I felt like this assembly would be as different from the usual ones. Mr Wright was talking about how the chimney sweepers would throw the children down the chimney, and if they got stuck they would be replaced by another child. He also talked a lot about Queen Victoria, who I thought had very chubby cheeks!
    Afterwards, we went back to class and stood behind our desks silently. Mrs Messa let us out for play where me and Hira were asked to organise a Victorian game. This game was called ‘Oh My Great King/Queen.’ The rules of the game were very simple; the King or Queen had to stand on a stool and make funny faces at the servants. If the servant laughed then they were out of the game. This continued throughout the whole of playtime. We had lots of fun.
    Back in class after break had finished, we sat at our desks and started to write on small blackboards with skinny breakable pieces of slate. We did Victorian alphabetical letters plus some words. The letters were loopy, swirly and unreadable. I copied out the whole alphabet four times. Our teacher said that we should continue to do them until our whole blackboard was full of letters or words. I think she likes letters!

  16. Part 2

    Before we knew it, it was lunch time. So once the lesson ended we went out in rows, I was in the third row…”Oh why am I so far back? “ I thought as I went for lunch.
    After lunch, we lined up to go to a victorian workshop. As we rushed to the Northern Hall I was thinking “It is going to be so much fun.”
    Once we got to the hall, the boys and girls were separated by a teacher who went by the name of Mr Wilberforce. He rolled his eyes at all of us, I thought he thought “Well what a nightmare. I wouldn’t mind a few children, but loads of children would give me a headache!”
    Then I started thinking of how much Mr Wilberforce was bossing us around. He was doing this by positioning us in specific spots around the hall. The boys were far away from the girls. Plus when we accidentally sat in the wrong place the very strict teacher shouted at us and it was horrible as normally at school nobody is ever that harsh, they are always so friendly but I guess it is Victorian day so all the teachers are different!
    Following this, he inspected our hands to make sure they were clean. He called six assistants to come and show him their hands. I was one of those assistants he choose. I felt quite nervous as I walked up to the front of the hall because I thought he would say my hands were dirty, but he didn’t. He said that they were clean. I stared at my hands thinking, “Oh YES they are clean!” My nervousness disappeared.
    Eventually, the assistants sat down again, as Mr Wilberforce introduced us to the back stopper, finger stopper and the cane. He asked us if we were ever off school to clean for our families. One girl stood up and said that she’d had to clean the house for her family. Mr Wilberforce kept having to remind everybody to address him as ‘Sir.’ “Sir this Sir that I thought, how important does he think he is?”
    Finally the workshop finished and we went back to class. What an eventful victorian day I had, however I don’t think I want to relive it any time soon!

    1. Well done Sofia you have done a really long but great recount.

  17. Hello my name is Leilani I am 8 years old.I live in London(England) I'm going to school so I get taught housework,motherhood,cooking,sewing and to be a governess It is crowded,noisy,smelly and everyone looks so serious it's AWFUL!

    When I walk into the classroom and see maps,a globe,an abacus,rows of children.Thats when I noticed that I was late.First thing in the morning I have the cane.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!30 times on the hand.We had to do the 3R's,reading,'riting,'rithmetic.

    My best friend had the wooping cough,she had to eat a spider covered in butter."YUUUUUUK!She said."she warned me about it.

    This was in 1850.

    1. You must of been really scared of the cane i was terrified when my teacher picked hers up from her desk.

  18. I had the worst day of my life.I had to answer a question I did not know.And then I got caned. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.It realy hurt. We were learning how to do house work.I put my hand up then she suspended me.Then I became a chimney sweeper. PS.i hate school!!!
