Thursday, 29 January 2015

Mine Mayhem!

Another Maths Game to play!
Have a go at the multiples, as well as looking at the simplifying fractions and prime numbers too!

Maths Rap!

You all seemed to really enjoy this maths rap... perhaps you'd like to practise it a bit more at home...!

Setting the scene.

Think about a place in your mythical story, this might be a forest, cave or castle. Imagine how your character feels as they enter this mysterious place. Write a short paragraph including:

·         Description of how your character moves.

·         What your character can see.

·         Adverbs to show how they are moving eg. Crept cautiously.

·         Anything they can hear, smell or touch.


I look forward to reading your blog entries, either on paper or on here!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Lord Voldemath...

Some of you were interested in playing this game to carry on practising your calculations! 
Here's the link!


Write a conversation between two characters from Brave Rowland. Remember to use:

·         Speech marks around the words which are said.

·         Punctuation inside the speech marks.

·         A new line for each new speaker.

·         A comma to separate the speech and narrative.

·         Alternatives for said.


I look forward to reading your blog entries by Friday 23rd January!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Brave Rowland!

Our new literacy topic is ‘Stories with mythical creatures or events’. This week we have been learning the story of Brave Rowland. For your homework this week, write the first two chapters of the story. Use the story map as a reminder!
Remember to include:
Capital letters and full stops
Fronted adverbials