Friday, 21 November 2014

How Does a Tigon Catch Its Prey?

Pick one of your cross breed animals from last week’s homework. Then write a short explanation text about it with two paragraphs.

Paragraph 1: introduction. What is your animal called, what does it look like? What does it eat?

Paragraph 2: How does this animal catch its prey? (This is the bit which explains the 'how' and 'why')

For example:

How Does a Tigon catches Its Prey?

Tigons are a cross between a female lion and a male tiger. Unlike ligers, which are also a cross breed, tigons are much smaller than a lion or tiger. Tigons have four legs, a long tail and powerful claws. Interestingly, they also have a spotted and striped coat and a small mane similar to a lions.
Tigons, like lions and tigers, eat meat. First they hide in order to sneak up on their prey. Then they slowly approach the prey until they are within striking distance. When ready the tigon will leap at the prey, usually from behind, and sink its teeth into the animals flesh. The tigon will then drag its prey away to a safe place to feed on it.

As always, you need to think about sentences (think, say, write), spellings and making your writing interesting!

I look forward to reading your explanations!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Lion and Tiger Cross Cubs

Three unusual looking cubs have been born to a tiger mum and lion dad at a zoo in Germany.

Called ligers, the cubs have spots AND stripes on their coats and are thought to be the largest cats in the world.

One of the cubs died shortly after it was born, but the other two are said to be doing really well and are enjoying their new-found celebrity.

It is unusual for different species of animals to have babies together so liger cubs are very rare.

Even rarer are tigons, which are born to a lion mum and tiger dad. Unlike ligers, tigons are often much smaller than either of their parents.

Homework task;

If you could mix any two animals what would they be? 

What would you call the new animal?

What would it be like?

Where would it live?

What would it eat?

Write about your new animal using full paragraphs and extended sentences.

Please submit your writing, either via the blog or on paper, on Friday 21st November 2014

Mrs Messa